A resource for families wanting to find out how they can be part of Classical Conversation in Southwest Virginia.

A five year old recites memory work after five weeks in Classical Conversations.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Abecidarians 2: 9/10/09

Hello, to all my Abecidarian kids and parents! We had another GREAT day today! I was so impressed with how well everyone did during presentation time! Kids, remember to practice the tips for good speaking: good eye contact, posture, and volume, and staying away from things like wiggling, leaning against the wall, and verbal pauses ("um...") For presentation next week, you may bring something from home again. I would love you to bring something that has a story attached to it! For example, something you found at the beach, or something you won in a contest, or something you made yourself! This makes it easier for you to talk about your object, and makes it more interesting for the listener too! Everyone loves a good story!

Everyone did a splendid job recalling their memory work from last week!! We learned a new tune to help us remember the definition of a Preposition! I hope you can recall the tune (the Merry Go Round Broke Down -- Looney Toons Song). The lyrics go, "Oh, we love prepositions, haven't you heard? They relate a noun or pronoun to another word!"

In our science experiment time, we learned how spiders use vibration to detect when something has landed in their web! If you find a spider's web this week in your yard, have your Mom or Dad examine it with you! Maybe you can see this in action!! And our "Belly Up" experiment explained why fish float to the top of the water when they die, rather than sink! If you happen to be at a swimming pool this week, practice floating on your back with your lungs full of air (by taking a deep breath and holding it). Notice how it's easier to float with full lungs than without!

See you all next week! Feel free to contact me with questions or feedback!!

~Mrs. Blugerman

1 comment:

  1. A certain child seemed to have a slight reaction to the fact we were discussing dead fish. Sorry he lost his pet and hope all went well.
