A resource for families wanting to find out how they can be part of Classical Conversation in Southwest Virginia.

A five year old recites memory work after five weeks in Classical Conversations.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Apprentice - 9/10/09

I had great fun in class today and was extremely impressed with what the children have accomplished in one week. Everyone will be anticipating the return of Mrs. Goad!! I tried to give number signals to help the children remember the order and number of the Ten Commandments. I left my paper at home and couldn't remember them all.
Here is the link that has the motions: http://harvestministry.org/hand-commands-explanation

We used Black Sea Baby CPR to remember the Assyrian Empire. Rearrange the order - Black Sea, Babylon, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Red Sea.

I emailed a song to help with Latin.

Keep up the good memory at home!!


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